


I recently began going to Celebrate Recovery at my local church and one method I’ve really been trying that I learned there is not just one day at a time but one moment at a time. That is something I’ve been working on to help me on my journey in recovery from depression, anxiety, self-hate and people pleasing.

As I awoke to my medication alarm chiming, realizing I slept in and had a hungry, full diaper 2 month old, a whining, hungry, full diaper almost 2 year old and I had to pee, take out my nightguard for teeth grinding and in desperate need of coffee, I really had to take it one moment at a time.

I decided my first moment would be to move the baby to the living room bassinet. I laid her down and decided my next moment would be to quickly change her diaper. As I did that, I began to plan my next moment. I contemplated getting the other kid but decided I needed to take care of myself real quick. (Not an easy decision for a self-hating, people pleaser to make) Bathroom would be my next moment. Next; teeth. I went along this way throughout the morning, grabbing the kiddo, changing her diaper, getting her some milk, starting the coffee, taking my medicine, moving my coffee/phone/remote to the table by the couch in preparation to feed the baby and have everything I need. I sat down and realized: I did it.

No fuss, no rush, no stress. Just a bunch of small moments one after another. A pretty big deal considering just getting out of bed alone can be difficult for someone struggling with depression and anxiety.

I challenge anyone struggling to get through their day today to just take it one moment at a time. What will your next moment consist of? Do that. That’s all you have to focus on. If you accomplish that and can take on another moment, then do one more moment. Keep doing that until you need a break and remember, each moment is a success and you just accomplished something. It may be small, but it’s an accomplishment.

Way to go, you!!!